ARDF Ottawa
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SponsorsAbout our sponsorsSeveral individuals and organizations have provided help to ARDF Ottawa. That help consists not only of monetary donations, but equipment loans and donations, planning and organizational staffing, and event publication and sponsorship. We refer to them all as sponsors. If you are a member of one of the sponsoring organizations, thanks! Or if you are not a member, consider joining them or donating to help their causes. IEEE
IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. IEEE's core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE offers innovative STEM and university education and recognition programs for students and their teachers. ARDF Ottawa received a funding grant from the IEEE in early 2020 to assemble enough ARDF equipment for 12 individual participants (or 24 teams of 2) to engage in ARDF activities. To date, these activities (see Events) have focused on primarily on youth in the Ottawa area. OARC
The Ottawa Amateur Radio Club made a financial contribution to ARDF Ottawa that let us purchase two Byonics Microfox 15 transmitters. Read more about these unique devices at the Byonics website. The OARC has also donated funds to pay for the registration of this website and for its security certificate for 5 years (2021-2026). They have also allowed us to share their web host. A big thank you for the OARC's support. We will be organizing events that their members can participate in to enjoy this great amateur radio enabled activity.
The Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club Incorporated made a financial contribution to ARDF Ottawa that let us purchase two additional Byonics Microfox 15 transmitters, bringing our total to five. Read more about these unique devices at the Byonics website. A big thank you for the OVMRC's support. We will be organizing events that their members can participate in to enjoy this great amateur radio enabled activity.
The Yasme Foundation
The Yasme Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation organized to support scientific and educational projects related to amateur radio, including DXing (long distance communication) and the introduction and promotion of amateur radio in developing countries. Yasme supports various projects relating to amateur radio, with an emphasis on developing amateur radio in emerging countries and encouraging youth participation in amateur radio. Yasme has provided two separate grants for initiatives in the Ottawa area. The first was a grant to upgrade our fox hunting gear to include Garmin GPS equipment and FRS radios. We call this new activity GeoFoxing and you can read more about it on this site. The second was a grant towards amateur radio equipment for Carleton University where the focus is on youth ages 15 to 25 in post-secondary education and also as a foundation to be able to introduce amateur radio and STEM learning activities thru YOTA Camp and other community outreach programs offered by the university. |