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ARDF Ottawa

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Upcoming local events

Follow the links for details!

  • 2024-??-?? Transmitter Finding Event -- TBA

These events and demos are still waiting for writeups and photos - please check back later ...

  • 2024-01-11 Night time transmitter finding event with 137th Scout Troop --- Harrie and 8 participants
  • 2023-09-23 Plan B Voyageur Council Camp --- approximately 60 youth and 12 leaders
  • 2023-08-07 OVMRC POTA in the Park and Fox Hunt Event --- Roger Egan VA3EGY and Rob Haddow VE3RXH - 18 participants
  • 2023-07-20 YOTA Camp Fox Hunt --- Roger and Rob - 15 participants
  • 2023-06-17 Bowmanville Sea Cadets --- fox hunting demonstration event - Roger Egan VA3EGY and Rob Haddow VE3RXH - 6 participants
  • 2023-06-16 North Shore Amateur Radio Club (NSARC) --- foxhunting demonstration day in Oshawa, ON - Roger Egan VA3EGY and Rob Haddow VE3RXH - 6 participants
  • 2023-05-29 Geofoxing with 1st Kanata Scouts --- Mike Thomas
  • 2023-05-04 Stittsville Cubs Scouts --- group organized by Thane Brown - 28 participants

Past events and demonstrations (most recent at the top)

Follow the links to see photos and write ups.

National and international events

Page last modified on April 22, 2024, at 09:04 PM